Interdisciplinary workshop, March 2025
Event language is English.
Contact at the IEG: Dr Bernhard Gißibl, gissibl@ieg-mainz.de
Call for Abstracts
New Publication by Corinna Schattauer
Publisher's website -
Book series now complete: "Ein Europa der Differenzen"
In October, the last volume of the IEG's four-part book series "A Europe of Differences" was published.The series presents new results and groundbreaking perspectives of the IEG research program on dealing with difference in modern Europe.
New publication "The Central Synagogue of Sofia" by Fani Gargova -
Botschaft der Versöhnung (Message of reconciliation) - article in the FAZ by Manfred Sing -
Recording of the SWR Kultur programme about the Leibniz format ‘book a scientist’ with Malin Wilckens -
Still open until 1 December 2024: CfA for Workshop "Rewilding in Europe: Genealogies, Imaginaries and Practices of Conservation in the Anthropocene" -
New EGO article: »Künste« by Aleksandra Lipińska -
Livestream online: »Reden wir über Europa! USA und Europa: Eine Beziehung vor der Wahl« (in German) -
Still open: CfP for Workshop "Rewilding in Europe: Genealogies, Imaginaries and Practices of Conservation in the Anthropocene" -
Professor Maria Antonia Paiano joins the IEG as Senior Research Fellow -
The IEG welcomes Beth Plummer as Senior Research Fellow -
We are delighted to welcome Dr Manuel Francisco Fernández Chaves
05.12.2024 16:15 Uhr
Lecture (in German) "Bewegte Leben. Mobilität und Zugehörigkeiten im Iberischen Atlantik, 1492-1700" -
17.12.2024 16:00 Uhr
Public research colloquium with Kaya Şahin: "Histories of Ottoman Political Thought: New Perspectives" -
06.03.2025 - 07.03.2025
Workshop: Part 2 "Telling people apart. Historical Perspectives on Human Differentiation" -
19.03.2025 - 21.03.2025
Call for Abstracts: Extended until December 1st 2024: Interdisciplinary Workshop "Rewilding in Europe: Genealogies, Imaginaries and Practices of Conservation in the Anthropocene" -
02.04.2025 - 04.04.2025
Conference »Deutsche Geschichte, europäische Zukunft? Vom Wert einer umstrittenen Vergangenheit für die außeruniversitäre Forschung nach 1949 und 1989« -
10.04.2025 - 11.04.2025
“Hallowed Efforts? Work and the Sacred, c. 1350–c. 1815” -
03.07.2025 - 04.07.2025
Conference "Atrocity and Normativity in Early Modern War (I)"