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03.07.2025 - 04.07.2025

Conference "Atrocity and Normativity in Early Modern War (I)"
Two-day conference at the IEG in Mainz. The Thirty Years War is notorious for levels of bloodshed, massacre, and atrocity arguably unprecedented in European history. Conference participants will investigate whether and in what ways frequent exposure to excessive violence in war over a period of several decades shaped European political, legal and theological discourse during the period of the Thirty Years’ War and over subsequent decades. This is the first of two conferences organised as part of the project "Massacre and the Law: Atrocity, the Holy Roman Empire and the Thirty Years War" funded by the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation. Contact: Dr Harald E. Braun (hbraun@liverpool.ac.uk), University of Liverpool, and Prof Dr Daniel Schwartz (daniel.schwartz3@mail.huji.ac.il), The Hebrew University of Liverpool Contact at the IEG: Prof Dr Nicole Reinhardt (reinhardt@ieg-mainz.de), Director of the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) Mainz Please send registrations to Deborah Karrer (deborah.karrer@mail.huji.ac.il), research assistant of the project or to Dr Harald E. Braun (hbraun@liverpool.ac.uk) Picture credits: Hans Ulrich Franck (1595-1675), "Der nächtliche Ueberfall", © Wikimedia Commons