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Botschaft der Versöhnung (Message of reconciliation) - article in the FAZ by Manfred Sing
Manfred Sing, associate researcher at the IEG, intervenes in the debate on postcolonial studies, anti-Semitism and Edward Said in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) under the headline ‘Botschaft der Versöhnung’ (13/11/2024 in the print edition). Said, the American intellectual of Palestinian origin who died in 2003 and is considered one of the founding fathers of post-colonial approaches, may represent an undifferentiated concept of anti-Semitism, but this does not make him a hater of Israel, as he had already argued in favour of a two-state solution 45 years ago. Demonising Said because he allegedly demonised the state of Israel, like other forms of black and white painting, contributes little to understanding the Middle East conflict, Sing said.
The article was published on FAZ Net on 17 November, see link below.