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Paulau, Stanislau: Isaac of Nineveh,   Paulmann, Johannes: Sakralisierung,   Schneider, Hans­Otto: Snell,
               Ras Täfäri and the Making of Ethio-  in: Martin Sabrow / Achim Saupe (Hg.),   Friedrich Heinrich Christian Salomo
               pian Modernity, in: Emidio Vergani /   Handbuch Historische Authentizität,   (1813–1878), in: Traugott Bautz /
               Sabino Chialà (Hg.), Symposium   Göttingen 2022, S. 435–444.      Uta Timpe-Bautz (Hg.), Biographisch-
               Syriacum XII, Rom 2022, S. 645–652.                               bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon,
                                                Petz, Cindarella: On Combining Net-  Bd. 44 = Ergänzungen 31, Nordhausen
               Paulau, Stanislau: Lutheran Faith for   work Research and Computational   2022, S. 1286–1289.
               the »Germans of Africa«. Entangled   Methods on Historical Research
               Imaginations and Colonial Discourses   Questions and its Implications for the   Sing, Manfred: Arab Feminism and
               in the Making of the German Her-  Digital Humanities, München 2022,   Islamic History. The Transnational Life
               mannsburg Mission in the Ethiopian   URL: <>.  and Work of Lebanese-Syrian Writer
               Empire, in: Moritz Fischer / Michael                              Widad Sakakini (1913–1991), Göttin-
               Thiel (Hg.), Investigations on the   Petz, Cindarella / Ghawi, Raji / Pfeffer,   gen 2022 (VIEG Bd. 255), URL: <https://
               »Entangled History« of Colonialism   Jürgen: Tracking the Evolution of>.
               and Mission in a New Perspective,   Communities in a Social Network of
               Berlin 2022, S. 199–216.         Intellectual Influences, in: Journal of   Sing, Manfred: Arabische Sozialis-
                                                Historical Network Research 7 (2022),   men. Von antikolonialem Widerstand
               Paulau, Stanislau: Святая Церковь   H. 1, S. 114–154, URL: <https://doi.  zu autoritärer Politik, von islamischer
               грешников? »Святость« и          org/10.25517/jhnr.v7i1.146>.     Selbstvergewisserung zu postkolo-
               »грешность« как предикаты Церкви                                  nialem Protest, in: Vierteljahrshefte
               в экклезиологии Карла Ранера     Petz, Cindarella: A (Not so) Short His-  für Zeitgeschichte 70 (2022), H. 4,
               [Holy Church of Sinners? Holiness and   tory of Historical Network Research –   S. 779–792.
               Sinfulness as Predicates of the Church   Part 1, in: Blog »Digital Humanities
               in the Ecclesiology of Karl Rahner], in:   Lab« (01.07.2022), URL: <https://dhlab.  Sing, Manfred: The Politics of Reli-
               Труди Киïвськоï Духовноï Академiï>.         gious Outrage. The Satanic Verses
               [Proceedings of Kyivan Theological                                and the Ayatollah’s Licence to Kill, in:
               Academy] 36 (2022), S. 144–159,   Petz, Cindarella: A (Not so) Short His-  Eveline G. Bouwers / David Nash (Hg.),
               URL: <>.  tory of Historical Network Research –   Demystifying the Sacred. Blas-
                                                Part 2, in: Blog »Digital Humanities   phemy and Violence from the French
               Paulmann, Johannes / Dingel, Irene   Lab« (29.07.2022), URL: <https://dhlab.  Revolution to Today, Berlin u. a.
               (Hg.): EGO: Europäische Geschichte>.        2022, S. 247–276, URL: <https://doi.
               Online = European History Online                                  org/10.1515/9783110713091-012>.
               (2022), URL: <>.  Petz, Cindarella: A (Not so) Short His-
                                                tory of Historical Network Research –   Thulin, Mirjam: Le-Dor va-Dor or Dis-
               Paulmann, Johannes / Duhaut, Noëmie   Part 3, in: Blog »Digital Humanities   continuities? Family History as a Key
               (Hg.): Europe Across Boundaries,   Lab« (09.09.2022), URL: <https://dhlab.  Paradigm of German Jewish Studies,
               Berlin u. a. 2022 (European History>.       in: Aya Elyada / Kerry Wallach (Hg.),
               Yearbook 22), URL: <                              German-Jewish Studies. Next Genera-
               10.1515/9783110776232>.          Reinhardt, Nicole: Orizzonti (non)   tions, New York 2022, S. 17–37.
                                                solo europei in un archivio patrizio
               Paulmann, Johannes / Thompson,   Bolognese. La collezione di manoscritti   Vasques Filho, Demival / Linkevicius
               Andrew u. a. (Hg.): Online Atlas on   di Vincenzo Ferdinando Ranuzzi Cospi   de Andrade, Daniela: »Please, Use
               the History of Humanitarianism   tra Bologna, Londra e Austin / Texas,   Your Best Judgment«. Authority vs
               and Human Rights (2022), URL:    in: Francesca Boris / Maria Teresa   Moderation in Knowledge Creation
               <   Guerrini (Hg.), Il patriziato bolognese   on History Subreddits, in: SocArXiv
               0159-2016090508>.                e l’Europa, Bologna 2022, S. 203–218.  (22.02.2022), S. 18, URL: <
               Paulmann, Johannes: Researching the   Schneider, Hans­Otto / Dingel, Irene:
               History of Social Differentiation and   Schimpfwort des Monats: »Lügenwä-  Vasques Filho, Demival / Linkevicius
               Human Categorization, in: Noëmie   scher« und »Detzel«, in: Irene Dingel   de Andrade, Daniela: Moderation
               Duhaut / Johannes Paulmann (Hg.),   (Hg.), Controversia et Confessio.   and Authority-Building Process. The
               Europe Across Boundaries, Berlin u. a.   Quellenedition zur Bekenntnisbildung   Dynamics of Knowledge Creation
               2022 (European History Yearbook 22),   und Konfessionalisierung (1548–1580)   on History Subreddits, in: Internet
               S. 121–142, URL: <   (18.01. und 14.06.2022), URL: <https://  Histories 6 (2022), H. 4, S. 1–22.

                                  IEG-Jahresbericht 2022 | Publikationen, Vorträge und universitäre Lehre     119
   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124