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Leibniz Research Alliance "Value of the Past"

In interdisciplinary perspectives, we examine how values ​​associated with the past are created and conveyed. Research is being conducted – in German, European and global dimensions – how historical evidence is shaped by language, mediality and digitality, how conceptions of space and time contour images of history and how the past is used as a resource for communalization processes and identity conflicts as well as in a growing history market.

Contributions of the IEG to the Leibniz Research Alliance "Value of the Past"

Research Hub I: Regimes of Evidence
Lab 1.1 Language, Performance and Lifeworlds
  • Benedikt Brunner with the project "Frühe Zeit-Zeugen: Erinnerung und Evidenz in religiösen (Auto-)Biografien der Frühen Neuzeit"
Research Hub II: Spatiotemporal paradigms
Lab 2.1. Dynamic Spaces (coordinated by Joachim Berger, with Christoph Bernhardt/IRS)
  • Denise Klein and Thomas Weller with the project "After the Conquest: The Ottoman and Spanish Empires in History and Memory"
  • Stanislau Paulau and Edoardo Fernández Guerrero with the project "Reevaluating African Pasts in Renaissance Europe: Transcontinental Knowledge Production on Christian Ethiopia"
  • Gregor Feindt and Joachim Berger with the project "European History(ies) of Ukraine. On the value and the values of a European past" (with GEI Braunschweig)
Lab 2.3 Dissolutions of boundaries: Time-Space Perceptions in the Anthropocene
  • Bernhard Gißibl with the project "Rewilding in Europe: Genealogies, Imaginaries and Practices of Conservation in the Anthropocene" (in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change Museum Koenig Bonn, Collegium Carolinum Munich, Deutsches Museum Munich, and Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz)
Research Hub III: Past as a public resource
Lab 3.1 Litigious Value of the Past:
  • Stanislau Paulau with the project "Valuing Pasts for Futures: Mobilizing Historical and Religious Narratives" (with ZMO Berlin)
Lab 3.2. Practices of Appropriaton:
  • Stanislau Paulau with the project »Interreligious Appropriations: Media, Modes and Practices of Coping with Religious Diversity in the Global History of Eastern Christianity«
The IEG's contact person for matters relating to the research alliance is Manfred Sing.