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Julia Röttjer M.A.

Affiliated researcher


Personal Details:

Julia Röttjer studied Eastern European History, Medieval and Modern History, Political Science and Art History at Kiel University (1995-2007), including stays at Irkutsk State University and the Art Institute of Chicago. Between 2005 and 2012, she was project leader in Education and Network Programmes in the fields of civil society, offender treatment, youth services and academic further education (partly as joint German-Russian projects). From 2013 to 2016 Julia Röttjer has been a researcher and PhD candidate in the project »Knowledge of the World – Heritage of Mankind« at the Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz with the subproject »Challenging the Concept of UNESCO’s World Heritage? The History of the Former Concentration Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau as World Cultural Heritage«

Research Interests:

UNESCO World Heritage and international history
Cultures of memory, history policies, public history and studies of material culture, especially in eastern Europe
Urbanism and architecture
Communist antireligious politics

Selected Publications:

J. Röttjer, Gefährdetes Sibirien? Kulturerbe Irkutsk und Naturerbe Baikalsee im Diskurs von Wandel, Niedergang, Schutz und Aufschwung, in: B. Conrad, L. Bicknell (Eds.), Stadtgeschichten. Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte osteuropäischer Städte von Prag bis Baku. Bielefeld 2016, pp. 87-120.
J. Röttjer, Safeguarding »Negative Historical Values« for the Future?: Appropriating the Past in the UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site Auschwitz-Birkenau, in: Ab Imperio 4/2015, pp. 130-165.
J. Röttjer, J. Kusber, Europe's only Megacity: Urban Growth, Migration and Gentrification in 21st century Moscow, in: H.-C. Petersen (Ed.), Spaces of the Poor. Perspectives of Cultural Sciences on Urban Slum Areas and their Inhabitants. Bielefeld 2013, pp. 209-235.
Der Feiertag der Großen Sozialistischen Oktoberrevolution, in: R. Jaworski, J. Kusber (Eds.), Erinnern mit Hindernissen. Osteuropäische Gedenktage und Jubiläen im 20. und zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Berlin 2011, pp. 29-64.
Der Fall Rouzier, Schriftenreihe zur Geschichte der Stadt Germersheim, vol. 3. Germersheim 2009.

Research projects:

Challenging the Concept of UNESCO’s World Heritage? The History of the Former Concentration Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau as World Cultural Heritage

The project "The Former Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau as World Heritage" investigates the integration of the former concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau into the concept of UNESCO World Heritage from the end of the 1970s. It is part of the project "Knowledge of the World - Heritage of Mankind: The History of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage".

Knowledge of the World – Heritage of Mankind: The History of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage

The research project investigated the origins of the UNESCO World Heritage program for the first time on the basis of historical sources. Taking the World Heritage program governance institution as a prism, it investigated the shifting structures, institutions and actors, perceptions and agency. In five subprojects, it provided new insights into "transformations" of statehood, society and politics, culture and nature, time and space, past, present and future since the 1970s.