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Dr. Cindarella Petz

Research associate
Room: 03-17, Diether-von-Isenburg-Str. 9-11, 55116 Mainz
Phone: + 49 (0) 6131-39 39373


Personal Details:

B.A. and M.A. in History and Art History (2010–2016) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, the University of Edinburgh and the Tel Aviv University of Israel. Student assistant in the fields of History of Science and Technology and Holocaust Studies. Research assistant (2017–2020) in the Department of Computational Social Science and Big Data at the Bavarian School of Public Policy at the Technical University of Munich and PhD (2022) in Computational History at the intersection of history and computer science.
Since October 2021 member of the academic staff at the IEG in the Digital Historical Research Unit | DH Lab.

Research Interests:

Computational History / Digital History
Theories and methods of the Digital Humanities, especially (Historical) Network Research and Text Mining
Jewish History
Holocaust Studies
Modern and Contemporary History


Petz, C. (2024): Zur Geschichte der Historischen Netzwerkforschung. In: Stegbauer, Christian & Häußling, Roger (Eds.): Handbuch Netzwerkforschung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. new extended edition. pp. 1–16. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-37507-2 80-1.
Petz, Cindarella (2022). On Combining Network Research and Computational Methods on Historical Research Questions and its Implications for the Digital Humanities. Dissertation at the Technical University of Munich. Link
Petz, Cindarella & Ghawi, Raji & Pfeffer, Jürgen (2022). Tracking the Evolution of Communities in a Social Network of Intellectual Influences. Journal of Historical Network Research 2022, vol. 7, number 1, pp. 114– 154. DOI
Petz, Cindarella & Pfeffer, Jürgen (2021). Configuration to Conviction. Network Structures of Political Judiciary in the Austrian Corporate State. Social Networks, vol. 66, July 2021, pp. 185–201. DOI
Petz, Cindarella & Ghawi, Raji & Pfeffer, Jürgen (2020). A Longitudinal Analysis of a Social Network of Intellectual Influence. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) 2020, pp. 340–347.DOI (Preprint: arXiv:2009.03604 [cs.SI])

Research projects:

The Construction of Political Criminality in the Courts of the Dollfuß-/Schuschnigg-Regime, 1933–38

This project examines the various constructions of political criminality at court during the Dollfuß-/Schuschnigg-Regime (1933–1938). It aims to study the transformation from democracy to autocracy. The project focuses on the different strategies for the (linguistic) construction of political criminality towards Social Democratic, Communist, and National Socialist suspects in the statements of police, prosecutors, and judges within the court proceedings. There, questions of political marginalisation at court will be of particular interest, as well as the limits of plurality, political participation and (accepted) deviancy, as reflected in the penal practice of the regime. A case study will also address differences in the judicial prosecution of religion as a political category.