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Dr. Henning P. Jürgens

Research associate
Room: 03 309
Phone: +49 6131 39 39342


Personal Details:

Since 2007: member of the academic staff at Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) in Mainz, Section for Western Religious History.
2003-2007: senior researcher at the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz.
1998-2003: senior researcher at the Johannes a Lasco Library, Emden.
1994-1998, PhD scholarship holder in the German Research Foundation Graduate Project “Church and Society in the Holy Roman Empire in 15th and 16th century”, Göttingen.
2000: Dr. phil, Georg August University, Göttingen.
1994-1998: PhD programme in History, Theology, and Philosophy at Göttingen.
1994: MA, University of Hamburg.
1986-1994: studied for an MA in History, Theology, and Philosophy at Hamburg and Münster.

Research Interests:

History of Reformation and Confessionalization
History of the sermon
History of print
Early Modern Polish history
Early Modern Peace research


Johannes a Lasco in Ostfriesland. Der Werdegang eines europäischen Reformators, Tübingen 2002 (Spätmittelalter und Reformation NR 18).
Religion und Mobilität (Mit-Hg) Religion und Mobilität. Zum Verhältnis von raumbezogener Mobilität und religiöser Identitätsbildung im frühneuzeitlichen Europa, Göttingen 2010 (BIEG 81).
Streitkultur und Öffentlichkeit (Mit-Hg.) Streitkultur und Öffentlichkeit im konfessionellen Zeitalter, Göttingen 2013 (BIEG 95).
Dass Gerechtigkeit und Friede sich küssen (Hg.) "Dass Gerechtigkeit und Friede sich küssen". Repräsentationen des Friedens im vormodernen Europa, 2021.
Spuren der Reformation (Mit-Hg.) Spuren der Reformation in Rheinland-Pfalz, Petersberg 2017.

Research projects:

"Righteousness and Peace Kiss Each Other" – Representations of Peace in Early Modern Europe

The more than 2000 peace treaties in early modern Europe required mediation and appreciation through peace representations in order to anchor them in the public consciousness. Such representations of peace were multimedia phenomena, a form of symbolic communication. The aim of the international and interdisciplinary Leibniz competition project was to research and analyse the common vocabulary of representations of peace.

Holy war and divine peace. Interpretations of war and peace in European sermons of the early modern period

This project was a follow-up study to the project "Representations of Peace" which has been funded in the framework of the Leibniz competition 2015. It dealt with the question of how wars and peace agreements were represented, assessed and used for ethical teachings in sermons of the 17th and 18th century.

Religious Toleration and Peace (RETOPEA)

 Narratives on Europe today, are often characterised by conflicting views on the relationship between religion and society. However, historical dimensions of these narratives have often been neglected in sociological research, and at the same time, the voices of religious people remain largely absent from legal and political discourses. The RETOPEA project carried out both research and innovation activities to tackle this challenge. The project was successfully completed in October 2022. In early 2025, the final publication ‘Teaching and Learning about Religious Diversity in the Past and Present: Beyond Stereotypes’, edited by Karel van Nieuwenhuyse, John Maiden and Stefanie Sinclair, was published by Springer Nature. 

Self-Marginalization of Anabaptists. "Segregation" as theological concept and social practice among the Anabaptists of the 16th and 18th centuries

The project examines the genesis, social implementation and argumentative adaptation of the self-marginalisation of Anabaptist groups, and later of the Mennonites, described as "separation from the world", between its beginnings in the "Schleitheim Articles" and the assimilation and migration processes of the 18th century.