Dr. Jaap Geraerts
Member of the academic staff, Member of the Works Council
Room: 03-06, Diether-von-Isenburg-Str. 9-11, 55116 Mainz (Besucheranschrift)Phone: +49 6131 39 26978
Personal Details:
2015-2019: Research associate, Centre for Editing Lives and Letters (UCL)
2013-2014: Research assistant, Centre for Editing Lives and Letters (UCL)
2010-2015: PhD in History, University College London (UCL)
2008-2010: Research MA in History, Utrecht University
2005-2008: BA in History, Utrecht University
2000-2004: BA in Business Informatics (Hogeschool van Utrecht)
Research interests:
Research projects:
"Staatskatholieken en Roomskatholieken": The Catholic laity and the Schism in the Catholic Church in the Dutch Republic, 1650–ca.1750
The project focuses on processes of fragmentation and pluralisation using the example of the schism in the Catholic Church in the Netherlands. It examines the decisions of Catholic laity for one of the two competing churches and relates local patterns of intra-Catholic confessional affiliation to the general development of the schism.
European peace treaties of the pre-modern era in data (FriVer+)
This project transformed the data, in accordance with the FAIR principles, that is made available on the website Europäische Friedensverträge der Vormoderne online. This website provides information about a total of 1800 European peace treaties that originated between 1450 and 1789. The data, comprising digital images of the peace treaties as well as metadata and, in a more limited number of cases, transcriptions and even formal editions of their text, is stored in a relational database.
Forgeries X Networks
Art forgeries have been a challenge for the art business and its collecting and preserving institutions not only since the sensational case of Wolfgang Beltracchi. From the end of the 19th century onwards, the journal "Mittheilungen des Museen-Verbandes - als Manuscript für die Mitglieder gedruckt und ausgegeben" ("Notices of the Museums Association - printed and issued as a manuscript for the members") appeared, which published current occurrences and findings relating to forgeries and suspected cases that had come to light.
Priestly libraries in the Dutch Republic
The pilot project aims to record the bibliographic information in the inventories of two priestly libraries of the Dutch Republic of the 18th century. The scholarly significance of such libraries is well known: They show what Catholic priests who served in the Dutch mission read or at least found useful. Moreover, these libraries tell us more about Dutch Catholic spirituality in the early modern period.
ReIReS – Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies
The IEG was one of the cooperation partners of the Horizon 2020 funded project "Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies" (ReIReS). ReIReS was a starting community whose aim was to create a unique and groundbreaking research infrastructure on religious studies within the European Research Area.