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apl. Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Daugirdas

Member of the academic staff, Department "Abendländische Religionsgeschichte"

Time at IEG: 2010–2017
Involved in the research Project »Controversia et Confessio«

Research projects:

"Controversia et Confessio". Digital Edition on Creed Formation and Confessionalization (1548–1580)

The long-term research and editorial project "Controversia et Confessio" has been based at and supported by the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz since 2007. It is integrated into the research programme of the Leibniz Institute of European History and also involves the cooperation of the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel.

Reformed Confessional culture in North and Baltic Sea regions

Can a specific Reformed confessional culture be determined in view of the plurality of early modern Reformed thought? The cooperation project pursued this key question along central fields of interaction in which possible confessional influences were expected: Cultures of knowledge and economics received as much attention as aesthetic and political-legal cultures.

Socinian Networks and their Influence on the Early Enlightenment

The project started from the working hypothesis that Socinian biblical hermeneutics and anthropology are designs based on general-human reason and abolish confessional orders of difference. The project was completed with the monograph entitled "The Beginnings of Socinianism. Genese und Eindringen des historisch-ethischen Religionsmodells in den universitären Diskurs der Evangelischen in Europa".