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Fabian Cremer

Research Data Manager IEG, data protection officer
Room: 03-02, Diether-von-Isenburg-Str. 9-11, 55116 Mainz (Besucheranschrift)
Phone: +49 6131 39 39391


Personal Details:

Fabian Cremer studied Art History and Art Education in Frankfurt and Vienna. Since 2011 he has been advising researchers and developing supporting methods for digital Research – in international and interdisciplinary settings: at the Institute of Art History at Goethe-University Frankfurt, in the Research and Development Department at the Göttingen State and University Library, at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity and at the Max Weber Foundation - German Humanities Institutes Abroad. Since 2019 he is part of the DH Lab at IEG and is in charge of research data management at the IEG. He deals with workflows for research data management, the conception of digital research infrastructures as well as with the change processes of digital transformation in research and the organizations.

Research Interests:

Research Data Management
Digital research infrastructures
Digital transformation and division of research process


Systemic, Theme-Centred, Peer-Led: Adapting Groupwork Concepts for Collaboration Management in the Digital Humanities, IDEAH – Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities 3 (3. April 2023). DOI, mit Swantje Dogunke und Thorsten Wübbena.
Data Meets History: A Research Data Management Strategy for the Historically Oriented Humanities, in: Cultural Sovereignty beyond the Modern State, 21:155–78. European History Yearbook. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021. DOI, mit Silvia Daniel, Marina Lemaire, Katrin Moeller, Matthias Razum und Arnošt Štanzel.
Service intermediation as a concept for an institutional publishing Department, in: ELPUB 2019 23rd edition of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing. Marseille, France, 2019, DOI, mit Katrin Neumann.
Der Chimäre auf der Spur: Forschungsdaten in den Geisteswissenschaften, in: o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, Nr. 2 (13. Juli 2018): 142–62, DOI, mit Lisa Klaffki und Timo Steyer.
Embedded Data Manager – Integriertes Forschungsdatenmanagement: Praxis, Perspektiven und Potentiale, in: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 39, Nr. 1 (30. Januar 2015),DOI, mit Claudia Engelhardt und Heike Neuroth.

Research projects:

"Digitale Kartenwerkstatt Altes Reich" (DigiKAR) - Digital Map Lab Holy Roman Empire

The interdisciplinary project »Digital Map Lab Holy Roman Empire (DigiKAR)« develops and explores concepts for the collection, modelling and visualization of place-based historical information from the early modern Holy Roman Empire. It thus contributes both to historical research on the Holy Roman Empire as a space of divided and overlapping rule and to the further development of digital analysis and visualization of historical data with spatio-temporal characteristics.

Conception of the data competence centre HERMES - Humanities Education in Research, Data, and Methods

In the conception phase for the establishment of the HERMES data competence centre, the IEG is working with the partners to develop learning opportunities, research activities and networking formats to meet the need for training, further education and training, practice-oriented advice and interdisciplinary networking in the field of humanities and cultural studies research and in related application-oriented fields of activity (especially in GLAM institutions).

European peace treaties of the pre-modern era in data (FriVer+)

This project transformed the data, in accordance with the FAIR principles, that is made available on the website Europäische Friedensverträge der Vormoderne online. This website provides information about a total of 1800 European peace treaties that originated between 1450 and 1789. The data, comprising digital images of the peace treaties as well as metadata and, in a more limited number of cases, transcriptions and even formal editions of their text, is stored in a relational database. 

HERMES: Humanities Education in Research, Data, and Methods

HERMES, short for Humanities Education in Research Data and Methods, is a BMBF-funded joint project focussing on establishing spaces for learning, researching, and networking in the humanities and cultural sciences. The aim of HERMES is to teach, develop and critically reflect on data literacy. In pursuit of this objective, HERMES designs and develops various innovative formats.


NFDI4Memory is one of several consortia within Germany that will jointly manage the creation of a long-term and sustainable research data infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur, or “NFDI”) for the digital age. It brings together partners united by a common set of interests, needs, and aims related to the distinct challenges faced by those disciplines that use historical methods or that rely on data requiring historical contextualization.