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Dr. Joachim Berger

Research Coordinator
Room: 03 305
Phone: +49 6131 39 39370


Personal Details:

Joachim Berger joined the (Leibniz) Institute of European History in 2004; since 2009, he has been research coordinator. Before, he studied History and Art History at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany (M.A. 1997, PhD 2002), and the University of Bristol, U.K. After researching at Jena University, Berger worked for the Klassik Stiftung Weimar in the field of historical exhibitions and cultural events.
He was a fellow of the Casa di Goethe in Rome and the Max Weber Foundation (at the German Historical Institutes in Paris, London, and Rome).

Tasks at the IEG:

coordination of resesarch activities (including the international fellowship programme)
research on cross-sectional topics
steering of overarching joint publication projects, e.g. of EGO – European History Online and of On site, in time. Negotiating differences in Europa
research and development planning
programme budgets, evaluations, academic advisory board
third-party funding and project proposals
international and national cooperations; Leibniz Association

Research Interests:

History of the historiography of/on »Europe«
Internationalism and Civil Society
Digitality in the historical sciences
Courts and court societies in the 18th and 19th century

Selected Publications:

(ed., with Thorsten Wübbena) Wissen ordnen und entgrenzen. Vom analogen zum digitalen Europa?, Göttingen 2023. URL: https://doi.org/10.13109/9783666302312.
Mit Gott, für Vaterland und Menschheit? Eine europäische Geschichte des freimaurerischen Internationalismus (1845–1935), Göttingen 2020 (available in print and open access, URL: https://doi.org/10.13109/9783666564857).
Vom Kalten Krieg zum europäischen Umbruch. Das Institut für Europäische Geschichte 1950–1990, Berlin-Mainz 2020-09-12. URL: https://ausstellungen.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/ieg2020.
Places to be. On negotiating differences in Europe, in: On site, in time. Negotiating differences in Europe, Mainz 2016. URL: http://en.ieg-differences.eu/introduction.
Anna Amalia von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach (1739–1807). Denk- und Handlungsräume einer ›aufgeklärten‹ Herzogin, Heidelberg 2003.

Research projects:

A European history of masonic internationalism, 1845–1935

The research project, conducted between 2009 and 2019, explored how Freemasonry responded to the challenge of internationalism as an association that carried over forms and self-interpretations from the early 18th century to the Age of Extremes.

EGO | European History Online

EGO | European History Online is an transcultural history of Europe published by the IEG in Open Access in German and English. The now more than 470 contributions (incl. translations), which cover 500 years of modern European history across national, subject and methodological boundaries in ten thematic strands, are constantly being added to. 

Leibniz Research Alliance "Value of the Past"

The Leibniz Research Alliance "The Value of the Past" investigates the significance of the past for societies in the past and present. The first phase runs from 1 September 2021 until 31 August 2025.

On site, in time. Negotiating differences in Europe

Historically, how were difference and inequality negotiated in Europe? What were the parts played by religion, society and politics? "On site, in time" takes a look at events that took place in European locations and that exemplify Europe¹s historical development since 1500. The c. 60 articles illustrate the various and conflict-ridden ways of negotiating differences and inequality. They depict strategies that were developed to promote, present, preserve, mitigate or abolish difference. Such strategies may include discussions, peaceful solutions and aid as well migration, mission and protest or even exclusion, war and destruction.