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Ass. Prof. Dr. Monika Barget

Affiliated researcher


Personal Details:

Studies in history, art history and Catholic theology at Augsburg University (Magistra Artium). 2009–2013 employment in content management, copy-editing, customer service and broadcasting. 2013–2017 doctoral studies at the Centre of Excellence "Cultural Foundations of Integration", Konstanz University. 2017–2018 academic project management at the Centre for Digital Humanities, National University of Ireland Maynooth. Since January 2019: postdoctoral researcher at IEG Mainz (Digital Historical Research Unit | DH Lab). In August 2021, she accepted a position as Assistant Professor in Digital Historical Research Methods at the University of Maastricht. With 25%, she remains involved in the DigiKAR spatial data project at the IEG as the project's academic coordinator (with Constanze Buyken).

Research interests:

Uprisings, power and government violence in the early modern period (especially 18th c.)
Political history of the British Empire
Political iconography of the early modern period
Censorship and postal interception
Information and disinformation in early modern European media

Selected Publications:

Visualizations of geographic data in historical research as tools of exploration and education. In Conference Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Culture and Computing (HCII2022). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Heidelberg: Springer, 2022. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-18158-0_1.
(with Ingo Frank) Ontology-Based Modeling of Time, Places and Agents in the Project DigiKAR (Digitale Kartenwerkstatt Altes Reich / Digital Map Lab Holy Roman Empire). Data4History Poster Slam, 2. Juni 2021, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4895498.
Doing Digital History with Python (Teil I - IV). Digital Humanities Lab, verantwortet von Thorsten Wübbena und Fabian Cremer, 2020-2021, https://dhlab.hypotheses.org/tag/doing-digital-history-with-python.
Geohumanities (Teil I-III). Digital Humanities Lab, headed by Thorsten Wübbena and Fabian Cremer, 2020-2021, https://dhlab.hypotheses.org/tag/geohumanities.
Aleria / Aléria. On site, in time. Negotiating differences in Europe, ed. by Joachim Berger, Irene Dingel und Johannes Paulmann, 2021: https://en.ieg-differences.eu/on-site-in-time/monika-barget-aleria

Digital Projects:

»Inside Dublin Castle - The Correspondence of Edward Baker Littlehales, 1808«, digital edition created with MA students at NUI Maynooth (Ireland), supervised by Susan Schreibman and Monika Barget, 2017
Public Humanities board game «engage!», designed in collaboration with Susan Schreibman, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Sharon M. Leon and Jack Kavanagh at NUI Maynooth (Ireland) in 2017, revised as part of the DH internship by Isabelle Reiß at IEG Mainz in 2019: http://schreibman.eu/engage/
ImgDB (Bilddatenbank der Nachwuchsgruppe „Revolten als Kommunikationsereignisse“), erstellt mit Malte Griesse, David de Boer und Masud Rana an der Universität Konstanz 2013, kontinuierlich überarbeitet mit Alain Hugon, Stéphane Haffemayer und Tiphaine Gaumy bis September 2018, Bereitstellung der Rohdaten 2020: https://github.com/MonikaBarget/ImgDB
Women’s agency and networks in Ireland (1915-1923), erstellt mit Susan Schreibman seit 2018: https://monikabarget.github.io/FeministDH/
Digital History with Python, erstellt seit 2019: https://github.com/MonikaBarget/DigitalHistory

Research projects:

"Digitale Kartenwerkstatt Altes Reich" (DigiKAR) - Digital Map Lab Holy Roman Empire

The interdisciplinary project »Digital Map Lab Holy Roman Empire (DigiKAR)« develops and explores concepts for the collection, modelling and visualization of place-based historical information from the early modern Holy Roman Empire. It thus contributes both to historical research on the Holy Roman Empire as a space of divided and overlapping rule and to the further development of digital analysis and visualization of historical data with spatio-temporal characteristics.

On the edge of Europe? – perceptions of borders and mobility in German island representations, 1648–approx. 1763

The aim of the project was to investigate the perception of supposedly marginalized European island regions in German sources between 1650 and 1750 and to identify concepts of the ideal territorial state, cultural isolation, or pan-European identity that circulated across political and cultural borders.