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16.09.2025 00:00 Uhr

NFDI4Memory "3rd Community Forum" in the run-up to the 55th Historikertag in Bonn
NFDI4Memory organises an annual Community Forum. This serves to promote dialogue and networking, as well as to deepen the thematic focus and acquire knowledge through a variety of presentations and workshops. The third 4Memory Community Forum will take place on 16 September 2024 in Bonn in the run-up to the 55th Historikertag. NFDI4Memory is one of several consortia within Germany that will jointly manage the creation of a long-term and sustainable research data infrastructure (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur, or “NFDI”) for the digital age. It brings together partners united by a common set of interests, needs, and aims related to the distinct challenges faced by those disciplines that use historical methods or that rely on data requiring historical contextualization. Contact at the IEG: Theresa-Sophie Herget (4memory@ieg-mainz.de), Communications & Community Officer NFDI4Memory, Coordination Office