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Dr. Andrea Rehling

Affiliated researcher


Personal Details:

Andrea Rehling was between 2013 and 2016 principal investigator for the research project "Knowledge of the World – Heritage of Mankind: The History of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage" funded by the Competition of the Leibniz Association under funding line 2: Particularly innovative and high-risk projects. She studied History, Political Science and German Literature at the Ruhr University, Bochum. In 2009, she took her doctoral degree with a thesis on German corporatism between 1880 and 1980 at the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen. She has been a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Mannheim and a junior fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Constance (Konstanz). In 2016 and 2017 she was visiting fellow at the Institute for European Global Studies in Basel, Switzerland. Since February 2018 Andrea Rehling is center manager of the Jakob-Fugger-Zentrum at the University of Augsburg.


2016: Visiting Fellow at the Europainstitut der Universität Basel
2012/2013: Junior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Constance
2011: Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants at the German Historical Institute in London and Paris
2010: Karl Ferdinand Werner Fellow at the German Historical Institute in Paris


Arbeitskreis für kritische Unternehmensgeschichte (Akku)
Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD)
Verband Baden-Württembergischer Wissenschaftlerinnen (VBWW)
European Society for Environmental History (ESEH)
European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH)

Research Interests:

Andrea Rehling is a historian of Contemporary History and focuses on the global and transnational history of the 20th century, especially with regard to international relations and international organizations. She is interested in the history of ideas and agency, industrial and labor relations, cultural and environmental history.

Selected Publications:

Kultur- und Naturerbe, in: Martin Sabrow/ Achim Saupe (Hg.): Handbuch Historische Authentizität (=Wert der Vergangenheit ; 5), Göttingen 2022, S. 259–268.
UNESCO World Heritage and Global Publics between 'Mankind', Global Minds, and World Opinion, in: Jürgen Osterhammel/ Valeska Huber (eds.): The Global Public: Its Power and its Limits (=Studies of the German Historical Institute London). Oxford 2020, S. 285–312.
Protokollen auf der Spur –Neue Zugänge zu Kommunikation und Kultur in Organisationen (gemeinsam mit Esther Möller), in: Menja Holtz/ Esther Möller/ Franziska Torma (Hg.): Auf der Spur der Dinge. Materialität in der interkulturellen Begegnung (=Saeculum. Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte 66/2, 2016). Köln/ Wien/ Weimar 2017, S. 245-268.
Kosmopolitische Geschichtsschreibung und die Kosmopolitik des UNESCO Weltkultur- und Naturerbes, in: Bernhard Gißibl/ Isabella Löhr (Hg.): Bessere Welten. Kosmopolitismus in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Frankfurt a. M. 2017, S. 373-401.
Historische Authentizität jenseits von „Original“ und „Fälschung“. Ästhetische Wahrnehmung - gespeicherte Erfahrung - gegenwärtige Performanz (gemeinsam mit Johannes Paulmann), in: Martin Sabrow/ Achim Saupe (Hg.): Historische Authentizität. Göttingen 2016, S. 91-125.

Research projects:

Knowledge of the World – Heritage of Mankind: The History of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage

The research project investigated the origins of the UNESCO World Heritage program for the first time on the basis of historical sources. Taking the World Heritage program governance institution as a prism, it investigated the shifting structures, institutions and actors, perceptions and agency. In five subprojects, it provided new insights into "transformations" of statehood, society and politics, culture and nature, time and space, past, present and future since the 1970s.

UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage: Cosmopolitanization of Collective Memory

The project "UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage: Cosmopolitanization of Collective Memory" deals with the history of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage. It is part of the project »Knowledge of the World - Heritage of Mankind: The History of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage«.