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Dr. Ines Grund

Library Management, IT Coordination
Room: 03 202
Phone: +49 6131 39 39366


Personal Details:

Studies of Medieval and Modern History at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and Swansea University / Prifysgol Cymru Abertawe, GB; Minor subject English, Slavic Studies, computer science; Master of Arts 1993; 1990-1998 research assistant and research associate at the Regestenkommission Emperor Frederick III. at the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz; PhD University of Regensburg in 2007.
1999-2001 traineeship at the University Library Marburg, 2001 State examination at the Library School Frankfurt to higher civil service in academic libraries, graduate civil servant (librarianship).
Since 2001 Head of the Library at the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG); also, since 2006 IT Supervisor; 2013-2019 Equal Opportunities Officer.

Research Interests:

History of the late Middle Ages and the early modern period
Critical editons of primary sources
Metadata and markup languages

Selected Publications:

Das Taxregister der römischen Kanzlei 1471–1475 (Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv Wien, Hss. weiss 529 und weiss 920), bearb. v. Paul-Joachim Heinig / Ines Grund, 2 Tle., Wien u.a. 2001 (Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III., Sonderbd. 2) Open Access Teil 1 Open Access Teil 2
Die Ehre – die Freiheit – der Krieg. Frankreich und die deutsche Fürstenopposition gegen Karl V. 1547/48–1552, phil. Diss. Univ. Regensburg 2007 Open Access
mit Zaur Gasimov: Auswahlbibliographie, in: Jahrbuch für Europäische Geschichte (zuletzt 12.2011)
Beiträge in: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte / Literaturbericht (ARGL) (zuletzt 45.2016)
deutsche Beiträge in: Bibliographie internationale de l'Humanisme et de la Renaissance (BIHR) (zuletzt 45.2009(2013))

Research projects:

EGO | European History Online

EGO | European History Online is a transcultural history of Europe published by the IEG in open access in German and English. The more than 500 contributions (including translations), which cover 500 years of modern European history across national, disciplinary and methodological boundaries in ten thematic strands, are constantly being added to.

EGOlink: Automatic analysis and extension of the internal and external link structure of EGO|European History Online

EGO|European History Online, a transcultural history of Europe on the internet, is published by the IEG as an open access publication. The success and growth of EGO poses great challenges. An important part of the concept is the close linking of the contributions to each other and to external resources. Each new contribution must be inserted into the existing link structure. 

European peace treaties of the pre-modern era in data (FriVer+)

This project transformed the data, in accordance with the FAIR principles, that is made available on the website Europäische Friedensverträge der Vormoderne online. This website provides information about a total of 1800 European peace treaties that originated between 1450 and 1789. The data, comprising digital images of the peace treaties as well as metadata and, in a more limited number of cases, transcriptions and even formal editions of their text, is stored in a relational database.